Thursday, August 20, 2009

Day 2 Done!

So with all the fatigue and the utter feeling that my body just wanted to melt into the ground and became part of the pavement, I pushed through and ran! It wasn't so hard once I got going. I need to download the podcast so that I don't have to pay attention to time so much, however time does go quickly when you're just paying attention to running 60 seconds and walking 90 seconds. I did much better and I am pumped all over gain and can't wait for Friday! Really wish I wasn't flat-footed though it kills my left foot so bad, its all over when I stop running but while running it sucks. Gonna have to do some research on that today. Dinner was super, my wonderful boyfriend who loves to cook made a fabulous concotion last night, it was some homemade casserole he made up. It probably wasn't the healthiest thing to eat but it was definitely better than eating out. I was proud he is so much better at cooking than I am, but I really don't care. I got to get him working again. He is cooking tonight also, I gave him a cookbook and he loves it. I found it in the bathroom this morning, guess I know what his reading material has been. I forgot my leftovers for lunch today which make me very sad and now I have to figure out what the heck I am gonna eat for lunch today. Hmph. Gonna try to bring myself to go to yoga today. I've done it off the DVD before but never in a classroom setting, its a bit intimidating. My doctor swears by it and tells me all the time that I should do it. Maybe it will help my back, its been in mucho pain the last few weeks, hoping it will get better the more I work out. Wish me luck!

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