Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Small pet peeve

I forgot. So I can't workout tonight. :( I am very upset about it but I have an obligation that I can put off no longer. Anyways so I am talking to J about it and he is acting all disappointed and crap over me not making it tonight. He mentions the money I have spent and how it is a shame I am missing a class when it's only 3 classes per week. Blah blah blah! I mention how I am not a fan of him making me feel bad when I feel plenty bad on my own. His argument becomes I am not dissappointed in you but for you. You know I bit my tongue through that conversation. But I felt like telling him, "Who is doing this?" I am doing this and I am sure as hell not doing it for anyone else but me. And when I see him busting his a$$ in the Texas heat for even one day a week then he can give me the "Oh I am so dissappointed" speech. I don't know why but it really pissed him off. I understand he is excited that I am doing this and who wouldn't get excited about their significant other getting healthy and getting in shape. I know when he told me worked out last week I was so excited. But if he doesn't work out one day or if he doesn't eat something he is supposed to one day I am not going to say crap. He sees what I am doing, if he wants to use it for inspiration, motivation then great. But I will not do more than what I am doing unless I WANT TO! And I won't let anyone discount my efforts. Maybe I am overreacting. I will leave it. But he better keep his trap shut.

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