Monday, January 11, 2010

I found Heaven today!

Thats right, I used to know of a place like this. A place that breeded creativity and relaxed me and made me feel as if the rest of the world didn't exist. A place where I could do what I loved for as long as I liked and no one would ridicule or make me feel any less responsible for doing it. A place with the kinds of distractions I liked. Low music playing in the background. Good music at that! Oooh how appropriate Belinda Carlisle's Heaven a place on earth is playing. Me likes.

Its a coffee shop people. And I don't think you all realize how much I seek little mom and pop shop places for coffee and wifi. In Denton they were all over the place and it was impossible to not find a place to write. Of course then I was writing for the paper and my creative stuff rarely got onto the screen. BUT NOW! As part of my New Year's resolution to write, here I am.

I was sick yesterday. Awful in bed sick all the live long day. Think of the worst possible headache on the top of your cranium baring down and trying to squash your brains to smliterings! Something like that. The when I finally got up and ate something I threw it up. Don't know what that was about. Anyways my blood pressure was up all weekend and to be honest the headache had come and gone since Thursday. So going to work and being yelled at by mean callers was not something I thought was in the best interest of my head or my bp plus I still wasn't sure what food would do to me the next time around. So I sucked it up took and occurrence and was a bum most of the day. Went to the doc and they will be increasing my bp medicine. Yay increase dosage of bp medicine at 25. Got to love it! Then I took my happy self to dare I say this out loud where my co-workers can read . . . coffee shop. Spoons cafe to be exact. I had a BLTA and potato soup. And this was not just any BLTA the Bacon was thick and of the applewood sort and the lettuce was crisp with tomato thin and the avacodo fresh! The soup had crumbled of bacon and cheese in it. Not sure how good an idea it was for the diet. But I don't give a flip, it was goood. The just as I was leaving the beautiful waiter who kept calling me sweetheart and I swear he was flirting with my eyes. Well this blonde cutie directed me where I sit currently. He told me it was more comfortable and had free wi-fi. The restaurant and coffee shop owned by the same peeps. And let me tell you this jasmine tea is divine and there is a strawberry cupcake calling my name loudly. God I want it! Not gonna give in though.

My book is about to break 1,000 wds, now that is nothing but its the most I have accomplished in months.


Smee said...

Well, sometimes the best thing to do when you are sick is to just go somewhere to relax, even if it's not at home. And yay on the book!

Lady K said...

So was it the serenity of teh shop or the eye candy that gave you motivated you? Lol, I am glad that you found some peace, yes keep working on the book, I am sure when you hit it big you will need a team of people, so I am that much closer to not punching a clock!!! Yay me! JK!