Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Can't stop talking about it

I think I must get annoying to those around me when I start talking about Boot Camp. I am obsessed. I love it so much. The weight isn't falling off like I wanted it to. But it's coming off and staying off. Before I lost like 4 lbs and it would fluctate up and down a pound or two. After losing the 8 this last month I find that I kind of haven't gone up or down AT All. Now we did take a week off in between each camp but the fact that in that week break I gained nothing, lost nothing and all I did was monitor the calorie intake and worked out a little, that was an accomplishment.

Waiting to buy the dress for Kelley's wedding wasn't an option, I found a dress on sale and it was pretty. So I tried it on and was really cute and flattering. I doubt the next 2 weeks will make that much of a difference.

I leave for California in a month. So that's one more month of working out hard. I will see my brother for the first time since April-ish and I hope that he can tell I have been working at it. It's also very exciting to think that maybe I can buy some new clothes for the trip. Man what I would give to be in a size smaller in jeans. I can't wait for that milestone. I have 1 more pound to lose and I will be at my first milestone!

I will blog about it, in efforts of not talking about it as much.

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