Tuesday, February 16, 2010

I am a humanist!

I am not religious. I am not political. However I believe in God and I believe your vote counts. I don't like the fact that my tax dollars pay for women who irresponsibly pro-create and can't pay for their own children. But I don't mind my tax dollars paying for the lives of those hurt by the earthquake in Haiti or the Hurrican victims in New Orleans. I'm a product of a mexican father and an United States-ian mother. My skin is ghostly white from October through April and a bronzy brown the rest of the year. I am a female and proud of the independencies I have because of actions made by the women before me. But above all else I am a human first.

When I die it will not matter what I bought or where my money went. It won't matter that I was conservative or liberal. All that will matter is the impact I have left on others. I find it hard to contend with individuals who would rather cast off a less fortunate individual because they weren't "here" first. Will it matter when your body has decomposed that you helped build walls to keep the less fortunate out or will it touch someone to know that you're the reason their father, daughter, brother, and aunt continue to live? And not in poverty but in humane conditions. It amazes and astounds me that making sure a child has food and isn't hungry doesn't warm the hearts of all people. That they feel burdened some how that those children will eat. Will you not have dinner on the table this evening if someone from one of these poverty ridden areas get a meal themselves?

I know I know they're sponging off the government. Why should you have to work so hard to scrape by and things just get handed to them? Because you weren't hit by an earthquake! You weren't born into a country where the economy is well below poverty and the government is 100% corrupt. Lucky you! I'd rather these people receive the benefits of my hard earned money then lay in the streets starving to death. Anyone who feels differently ought to re-think where their eternity lies and if they don't care about where it lies than good riddens we can cease listening to your opinions and breathe a sigh of relief that redemption won't fall on your soul at the end of your journey somehow allowing you to enter into the after life because I'm not sure if I would welcome your company.

I am a natural born citizen of the United States of America and my great grandfather and uncles fought for this country. My father entered this country by "unique" means and because of that, many might deem my existence illigitimate. I don't feel less inclined to be kind to my fellow man because of ignorant and closed-minded people inhabitating this earth. No, I pray and hope that my attemtps to be caring and helpful will grant my soul peace and if there is a life after this I will be granted access and be rewarded for not being a female or mexican-american or democrat, but for just being human.

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