Head em' up and move em' out! 2009 is gone! Woo hoo. Sorry I could not be happier, that what was probably the toughest year of my life. I am probably being dramamtic here but hey there was some changes, some transitions . . . some of them were good and some of them royally sucked!
Graduating a year ago I had much different visions of where I would be now. But que sara I am still working at the same bloomin' job I have been working for since March of 2006. Its a fine job, it pays the bills and its not all that hard. Could do without some of the drama and some of the stress people create. I don't like tension and I don't like drama, both make me feel highly uncomfortable and its been a bunch of that in 2009. Finally reached a point where I have "checked out" no longer mentally here. I think I have applied for a million jobs in the last month and will hit the ground even harder witht he coming of the new year. My best friend since 1st grade is no longer my friend, due to moral differences and just plain walking different paths. One of my bestest friends from college up and left me to go to Seattle. I am proud of her for making such a bold move and while she is having many ups and downs I know this is a time in her life she will look back on and be happy she did it. Its been difficult not to have her right there, its hard to have such a crappy day and know she isn't a 20-30 min drive away from meeting me for cheesefries and a beer. MMMM beer. Thankfully my other bestie is still local and gotten even more so, since she will be moving in with her boyfriend this month, that should prove for some interesting stories. Brother went off to school and hopefully is doing some growing up.
J got a job which is freakin awesome. Do you know how awesome it is to not have to worry if your boyfriend is gonna make rent, how awesome it is to go out to dinner without having the discussion of "how much money do you have." Its been a huge relief.
This year has to be better, it has to be an improvement. First off my motto for the year. 2010 the year to be thin!!! Haha I like it.
I will reach my goals this year. I have already made a deal with myself to make some drastic changes this year. Many motivations have come up. Since J has been talking more about marriage and such, developing these good habits early on is something I think would be good for us in the long run. I know J is unhappy with the weight he gained through his unemployment and I think that if we can just do this together it would be great. Then of course there is the added motivation of fitting into a swimsuit for when I go see my friend Tricia in Florida. Tricia was one of my best friends in highschool and college. However she was always small and petite and I always felt like her fat friend even when I was thinner in highschool. Well I was in her wedding in Hawaii and I remember being the only girl "at least in my mind" constantly worrying about how I looked and comparing myself to the rest of them. When I go to see her I would like to be able to join her on the beach in a swimsuit and know I look good too.
I will finish my book this year. Recently I've been working on honing my creative skills again. Lauren says I need to stop writing like a reporter, which is damn hard since that's what I have done for at least the last 5 years. So now its time to learn how to write pretty again. So I have been researching the great female authors of all time. I focused on female because lets face it, women writers of long ago were a treasure and they didn't know it then. The fact that they are still revered way after their deaths is a beautiful tribute to a path that was being carved even before they knew they were doing it. Jane Austen, Charlotte Bronte and Margaret Mitchell have been my teachers the last few weeks. I will move on eventually but currently they are serving me well I do believe.
I hope everyone had a great New Years and I sincerely wish 2010 to be phenomenal for everyone. Much love!
1 comment:
2010 is all about power and growth!!! I personally will be trying my best to focus on what I can do vs what I can't do. I know it seems like you are turning your wheels right now but I was always taught to believe that whe you have to push that hard that means God has something truly terrific in store for you and he just needs to see if you are up for the challenge! So keep pushing, you will do great!!!
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