My alarm sounded at a beautiful 5:30a.m. and it was not nearly as painful as I thought it was gonna be. I jumped out of bed threw on my sweat pants and t-shirt and grabbed my stuff and down the road I went to the GYM! Traffic was not much better than it was when I normally travel so about an hour later I finally met my destination.
Walking into the gym that early felt weird, I thought for sure there wouldn't be that many people, but once I hit the locker room there was a much different picture. Women all over the place getting dressed to go work out others were fixing hair and makeup because they had already worked out. It was something I hadn't witnessed since being on the Basketball team way long ago.
I put my stuff in my locker and dragged my butt up the two flights of stairs. My feet were seriously resisting the steps, it was as if they knew what was about to happen. But we made it and at the top of the stairs in one of the classrooms was an aerobic instructor shouting out numbers to his followers. Thats where I first saw the Pretty People. The women dressed in their matching work out clothes in bright colors. Colors that should never be worn before 9a.m. 8a.m. at the earliest. The men wore shirts that were either tight or showed off their muscley muscles. I directly headed toward my workout machine and looked straight ahead. Before I knew it I was so in tuned with how many calories I was burning that no one else really existed. I listened to Good Morning America and kept on trecking. 30 min had passed and so did 304 calories. Yes!
Showered and dried my hair and dressed and left. The end. I was at work with ten minutes to spare. I have to say I felt good to be amongst the pretty people today. Something about that group of people working out said devoted. Devoted to wake up before most of the rest of the world, work out and break a sweat and then go to work. It made me feel accomplished.
In the future I will wake up a little earlier so I can make sure to get a full hour in. Today I only got 30 min in. I will return after work to ensure I burn more than I consumed this day. Everyone is saying to be careful and not to get burn out. I guess I do seem slightly obsessive but if I don't then I feel like I won't stick with it.
I want to be one of the Pretty People who order a salad with ease and don't get tempted by all the wonderful fried foods on the menu. (Maybe they do get tempted but they don't seem like it.)
I want to be one of the Pretty People who wake up and work out and look all put together by the time I hit my desk in the morning. I want to be one of the Pretty People who have adopted this as a lifestyle. The person that others look at and say she looks great. Now granted these are not my only reasons for this venture, but its my conceited reasons and right now I am using it as fuel.
1 comment:
Lol, the pretty people huh?! If thats what it takes use it, we will just ignore you when you get a lil too obsessive, but if gets too bad we will be right here to burst your bubble and bring you back down to earth, cause thats what good coworkers do. LOL!!! Stay motivated girlie, you will be fine. This is gonna be so much fun!!!
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