In the last post that I just posted, 3 min ago I mentioned that I could count the things I am happy about and the things I am unhappy about and the latter weighs a whole lot more. So let me be truthful here. Being the oldest and only girl there have been some expectations placed upon me. I am the first to have ever earned a college degree. I've had a job since I was 15 yrs old, never been in jail, never been pregnant, never done drugs. Don't mistake me, I drank alcohol before age 21, I have failed a class and have had and currently have a boyfriend so not some good two shoes over here just a responsible individual. I've been told I have a good head on my shoulders my whole life, can you imagine? Its not a bad thing but when you think about it, it does add some pressure and doesn't allow your psyche to allow for failure or irresponsibility. I am working on that. I just want to paint a picture of the type of person I am. I freak out over very small things and can be very negative. Also things I am working on.
Okay enough of all that. Back to getting naked. I am going to list the things I am happy about and the things I am unhappy about. This is going to be the first step in re-inventing myself. I think. Its part of the plan anyway.
Happy Things:
- I at least have a job
- I have a degree
- I have a fabulous boyfriend
- I have my family
- Great friends
Unhappy Things:
- I am miserable at my job
- All my friends are moving on or moving away
- I am overweight
- Slowly developing various health problems
- Have to move back home so I can pay student loans
- Student loans
- More debt
- In a rut
- Book isn't finished
See this is good I am not nearly as unhappy about things as I thought. Hmm thats good to know. Next I guess I should evaluate what I can change and work on that. Well I am continuously sending out resumes to other places so hopefully I can get a bite since some economists say there is about to be a turn around. Praise god! Not much I can do about friends getting married or friends moving away, except make new friends, keep in touch with the ones afar and treasure the ones I have near. We'll move on to overweight in a minute. There is nothing I can do about moving back home right now, I have debt I need to pay off which will happen because of the move and I have a job that doesn't pay a whole heck of a lot, which will hopefully change with the hopes of a new job. I am going to cure the rut by making time each week to go somewhere and work on the book. There we go!
Now to the weight loss plan!!!! I probably need to lose about 50 lbs. But I'm not gonna pay attention as much to that. I have a goal here and the goal is a 5K! On Thanksgiving there is a 5K race called a Turkey Trot. Now I have never done anything like this in my life. I played Basketball in middle school. I was on the B-team and only played one season, thats the most active I ever was in my life. So accomplishing something like a 5K would make me feel really good about myself. So traning . . . It was suggested to me to look into a training schedule called Couch to 5K. That is what I am doing. I am going to continue to try and make good eating choices which should be easy moving home where the fridge and pantry are filled with good for you food, which will prevent me from grabbing something on my way home. So say a prayer cross your fingers because in 9 weeks I should be able to run/jog 3 miles no sweat, well hopefully some sweat. By October 19, thats the plan! Wish me luck I am going to need it.
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