Well I did it. I wasn't sure I was gonna go through the whole way but I did. Go me! I walked briskly and felt inspired because they were actually playing good music at the gym. (In need of headphones that don't fall out of my ears when I run.) I was really pumped afterward, I felt like I had accomplished something and I didn't once feel like giving up. Being flat footed I deal with some pain that I would like to remedy so I've been researching on how to relieve it when you're running. My ankles hurt too, but I've been told those will strengthen. I've also decided to reward myself, if I succed I will be buying myself a brand new pair of running shoes meant for us flat fo
oted folks that are actually really cute. I think that would be a nice treat. I am not too sore today . . . I stretched!

Also for dinner, this may only be for the open minded. I tried the Morning Star Spicy Black Bean Burgers and they were actually really good, added a little cheese and mustard and went bunless. Followed later by one of those individual-sized Haagen Dazs chocolate ice cream.
Taking a break today so I can help a friend move some stuff from my apt to hers. Back to it tomorrow. I fear how sore I will most likely be tomorrow. Eeek!
1 comment:
Hurray! Day One is done! And getting the running shoes as a reward is fantastic. Run On! has people trained to look at how you run and recommend the shoes that will best fit your feet. My girl and I are both sore, I think she is more, but we're gonna keep pressing forward. :)
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