Really I've been back since Monday however its been so busy getting back into the swing of things at work I just haven't had time to write.
Seattle did not happen. :( I sadly didn't get to go. I got freakin Swine Flu. Damn the luck. I was upset to say the least. When I left work early on Saturday it was merely because I was feeling weak, I thought for sure it was because of all the overtime I had worked. Nope sure enough I got home mom stuck the thermometer in my mouth and 101.8. FABULOUS! I was positive though, rest and take medicine, surely I would be better by Tuesday when I had to get on a plane. Sunday rolled around and still running a fever and I had coughed so much my chest felt it would lurch out of me in addition to severely aggravating my throat causing me to sound like a frog. Monday was the last straw I needed something fast, so I went to the doctor. She made me do a breathing treatment while she tested me for H1N1. I prayed to God, "Please don't let me have Swine Flu." My mother who is my doctor's nurse came in to tell me I had H1N1. I fought back tears as Dr. Tammie told me if I didn't run a fever between the doc visit and boarding the plane, I could go. I think she said this to humor me because she knew I was gonna still feel to crappy to go. By Monday night I still felt so crummy I knew there was no way I was getting on a plane and then I spiked a fever anyways . . . still contagious. :( I called Lauren who was so utterly awesome about the whole thing, it only made me feel worse. I cried hysterically, I really really needed to see my bestie. I remained sick the whole rest of the week, not feeling better until Friday. I was kind of glad though I would've been furious with myself if I felt better Wednesday and would've been fine to go after all but no I felt like poop.
Needless to say this has dwindled down my PTO hrs. I have an additional occurrence and I am so far off my from my goal that it makes me sick. I refuse to step on a scale. This whole yr has been wretched when it comes to fulfilling my goals. 2009 sucked to say the least. I have high high hopes for next yr though. I am saving money for my wedding. I know I know no ring yet, but Justin and I have talked and provided life throws no curve balls that whole engagement thing should happen this yr. And me being the person I am needing to have control of some kind, will start saving money and working out with the idea that I will be planning a wedding sooner than later.
Saturday I will start working out again. And it will be a horrible battle because of this horrible holiday season that is upon us. But fight I will.
Giiiiirl.... I'm so proud of you anyways! You went out before you got sick and you were literally working your butt off. Make sure you take enough time to rest and recuperate as much as possible. You're going to get back into your rhythm. I'm sorry you missed out on Seattle. Hopefully you'll be able to reschedule soon.
Glad to have you back!
2009 is not over, it doesn't have to all suck. thank God that you are ok, big head and know that you can have a thousand more Seattles! Well we can hope and dream can't we! Glad you're ok hef!
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