I will most likely be out of touch some in the next few weeks. I will be training a new person at work and that will leave me little time to write while at work. So unless I pry myself off the couch and to the computer at home I won't be writing much. I probably will though, because I want to read what ya'll have out there. The running will be commencing full force next week, I felt so good last week working out 5 times! Thats huge for me. I will do the same if not more next week. Please God please let me get on that scale tomorrow and be happy. Lol.
Have a good week people, show your thanks to those around you for making your life better. I have the tendancy to be kind of negative about things and I am gonna do my best not to do that. In fact I am gonna make it a goal to be a cheerleader for others namely my bf. He does such a good job of lifting me up when I am down, even when I don't want him to. Sometimes you want to be left down in the dumps ya know. Maybe you don't know, if you don't you're probably one of those happy positive people. But yea he has been down lately, not to happy about the job etc so I am gonna do my best to be really positive and light in his presence this week. If you know me, you know thats difficult, I almost need drugs for such a thing but we sure will try.
I'm really thankful these last few weeks, I think I have developed what will be a really awesome friendship and these days that seems kind of rare. I am good at losing friends but making them these days is hard. So yay!
Fun song of the week for Maria: Fireflies by Owl City. It makes me smile to think of fireflies hugging me.
Have a good week bloggers!
Being Positive is wonderful, and when you get in a habit of it ma'am, you will see it actually takes less energy. No lie seriously, you actually feel better! Release your fear woman, and live life to the fullest. Nothing is ever going to be perfect or easy but how we handle things can get us thru any situation. And I know your a great person, sometimes the way we react to things are based on our pregramming (blame it on the parents..lol). So its out of our control, I don't know about you but I am desperately trying to rest my channel line up, and start fresh!!!!!
Yay! You take the time off that you need, enjoy your training time, and keep up those workouts! You're going to be a faboo cheerleader too! :)
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