Just my life. Nothing special. My trials and tribulations. Leave a comment and urge me on or feel free to tell me I am retarded, but be gentle.
Thursday, October 22, 2009
Everyone! How I have missed you. I am legs weak, dark cirlces under the eyes, yawning every 5 seconds tired! This business of training and doing over time is killing me. When you work that much, at least for me, its hard to want to do anything anything else but go home and sleep. Today for instance do you think that I am at all interested in going to try and burn calories even though I know for a fact that I should. That whole ten pounds by the time I leave for Seattle . . . yea so not happening. Finding it hard to care though. Same think about my 5k, man I feel like I am failing big time over here. I am mad because I have been more active the last few months than I've been in years and hardly a result. Yes the clothes did seem to be fitting better, but I am pretty sure I F-ed that up this weekend with my extra curricular events. Why does everything have to be surrounded by food and WHY does bad food have to taste so good. Its like that lean cuisine today, it didn't make me feel lean it made me feel less full. I know its just this over tired funk I am in and then I will get over it. So I will go work out and I will go eat with my co-worker and then I will have a day off tomorrow. My mom is sick so we may or may not be going through with our plans to go watch theatre with my uncle and the kids but it wouldn't be the worst thing to just chill. I hope all is well with everyone. Some of you need to let me know how life is.
Sunday, October 11, 2009
Well guys . . .
I will most likely be out of touch some in the next few weeks. I will be training a new person at work and that will leave me little time to write while at work. So unless I pry myself off the couch and to the computer at home I won't be writing much. I probably will though, because I want to read what ya'll have out there. The running will be commencing full force next week, I felt so good last week working out 5 times! Thats huge for me. I will do the same if not more next week. Please God please let me get on that scale tomorrow and be happy. Lol.
Have a good week people, show your thanks to those around you for making your life better. I have the tendancy to be kind of negative about things and I am gonna do my best not to do that. In fact I am gonna make it a goal to be a cheerleader for others namely my bf. He does such a good job of lifting me up when I am down, even when I don't want him to. Sometimes you want to be left down in the dumps ya know. Maybe you don't know, if you don't you're probably one of those happy positive people. But yea he has been down lately, not to happy about the job etc so I am gonna do my best to be really positive and light in his presence this week. If you know me, you know thats difficult, I almost need drugs for such a thing but we sure will try.
I'm really thankful these last few weeks, I think I have developed what will be a really awesome friendship and these days that seems kind of rare. I am good at losing friends but making them these days is hard. So yay!
Fun song of the week for Maria: Fireflies by Owl City. It makes me smile to think of fireflies hugging me.
Have a good week bloggers!
Have a good week people, show your thanks to those around you for making your life better. I have the tendancy to be kind of negative about things and I am gonna do my best not to do that. In fact I am gonna make it a goal to be a cheerleader for others namely my bf. He does such a good job of lifting me up when I am down, even when I don't want him to. Sometimes you want to be left down in the dumps ya know. Maybe you don't know, if you don't you're probably one of those happy positive people. But yea he has been down lately, not to happy about the job etc so I am gonna do my best to be really positive and light in his presence this week. If you know me, you know thats difficult, I almost need drugs for such a thing but we sure will try.
I'm really thankful these last few weeks, I think I have developed what will be a really awesome friendship and these days that seems kind of rare. I am good at losing friends but making them these days is hard. So yay!
Fun song of the week for Maria: Fireflies by Owl City. It makes me smile to think of fireflies hugging me.
Have a good week bloggers!
Thursday, October 8, 2009
Chapter 1 or Introduction?
Tell me what you think guys this is the plans for a new book. I have ceased work on the old book for now. This seems more promising, I would love love some feedback.
A rusy boxcar sat on a lonely unused track, sounds of nature were handicapped by the thundering roar of a nearby train barrelling over the joints of its steel pathway. The boxcar seemed dead and lifeless in the Kansas dusk but inside life breathed for the first time. A father and two little girls witnessed their mother give birth to a frail brown baby.
Born in an abandoned boxcar on a beautiful March evening in Kansas City. Felicitas DelaCruz was the third daughter Eduardo and Teresa, mexican immigrants seeking a new life in the United States. With the violence brewing in Mexico under the influence of Pancho Villa's rebellion.
Felicitas cried as babies do when brought into this world. Her brown skin glowing red with each exhaled scream. Teresa would never hear her daughter's cry for she was deaf but she looked on the tiny life with love, holding tight to the creation that god had bestowed upon her and she smiled. She didn't need to hear the cries to know this baby though rather petite would be a strong woman in this country.
Now that I've written it I am unsure how it sounds. Needs work. But feedback nonetheless is good.
A rusy boxcar sat on a lonely unused track, sounds of nature were handicapped by the thundering roar of a nearby train barrelling over the joints of its steel pathway. The boxcar seemed dead and lifeless in the Kansas dusk but inside life breathed for the first time. A father and two little girls witnessed their mother give birth to a frail brown baby.
Born in an abandoned boxcar on a beautiful March evening in Kansas City. Felicitas DelaCruz was the third daughter Eduardo and Teresa, mexican immigrants seeking a new life in the United States. With the violence brewing in Mexico under the influence of Pancho Villa's rebellion.
Felicitas cried as babies do when brought into this world. Her brown skin glowing red with each exhaled scream. Teresa would never hear her daughter's cry for she was deaf but she looked on the tiny life with love, holding tight to the creation that god had bestowed upon her and she smiled. She didn't need to hear the cries to know this baby though rather petite would be a strong woman in this country.
Now that I've written it I am unsure how it sounds. Needs work. But feedback nonetheless is good.
Are Men Happier than Women?
There have been a few research studies that have found women start out their lives more happier than men however after about age 48 we become unhappier. Whats that about?
Well here's a funny list compiled at www.davesdaily.com thought I would share. But seriously ladies what is up with that?
Why Men Are Happier Than Women
1. We keep our last name.
2. The garage is all ours.
3. Wedding plans take care of themselves.
4. Chocolate is just another snack.
5. We can be president.
6. We can wear a white T-shirt to a water park.
7. Car mechanics tell us the truth.
8. The world is our urinal.
9. We never have to drive to another gas station because this one's just too icky.
10. Same work, more pay.
11. Wrinkles add character.
12. Wedding dress - $5000; tux rental - $100.
13. People never stare at our chest when we're talking to them.
14. The occasional well-rendered belch is practically expected.
15. New shoes don't cut, blister, or mangle our feet.
16. One mood, ALL the time.
17. Phone conversations are over in 30 seconds flat.
18. We know stuff about tanks.
19. A five-day vacation requires only one suitcase.
20. We can open all our own jars.
21. We get extra credit for the slightest act of thoughtfulness.
22. If someone forgets to invite us, he or she can still be our friend.
23. Our underwear is $8.95 for a three-pack.
24. Everything on our face stays its original color.
25. Three pairs of shoes are more than enough.
26. We don't have to stop and think of which way to turn a nut on a bolt.
27. We almost never have strap problems in public.
28. We are unable to see wrinkles in our clothes.
29. The same hair style lasts for years, maybe decades.
30. We don't have to shave below our neck.
31. Our belly usually hides our big hips.
32. One wallet and one pair of shoes, one color, all seasons.
33. We can "do" our nails with a pocket-knife.
34. We have freedom of choice concerning growing a mustache.
35. We can do Christmas shopping for 25 relatives, on December 24, in 45 minutes.
Well here's a funny list compiled at www.davesdaily.com thought I would share. But seriously ladies what is up with that?
Why Men Are Happier Than Women
1. We keep our last name.
2. The garage is all ours.
3. Wedding plans take care of themselves.
4. Chocolate is just another snack.
5. We can be president.
6. We can wear a white T-shirt to a water park.
7. Car mechanics tell us the truth.
8. The world is our urinal.
9. We never have to drive to another gas station because this one's just too icky.
10. Same work, more pay.
11. Wrinkles add character.
12. Wedding dress - $5000; tux rental - $100.
13. People never stare at our chest when we're talking to them.
14. The occasional well-rendered belch is practically expected.
15. New shoes don't cut, blister, or mangle our feet.
16. One mood, ALL the time.
17. Phone conversations are over in 30 seconds flat.
18. We know stuff about tanks.
19. A five-day vacation requires only one suitcase.
20. We can open all our own jars.
21. We get extra credit for the slightest act of thoughtfulness.
22. If someone forgets to invite us, he or she can still be our friend.
23. Our underwear is $8.95 for a three-pack.
24. Everything on our face stays its original color.
25. Three pairs of shoes are more than enough.
26. We don't have to stop and think of which way to turn a nut on a bolt.
27. We almost never have strap problems in public.
28. We are unable to see wrinkles in our clothes.
29. The same hair style lasts for years, maybe decades.
30. We don't have to shave below our neck.
31. Our belly usually hides our big hips.
32. One wallet and one pair of shoes, one color, all seasons.
33. We can "do" our nails with a pocket-knife.
34. We have freedom of choice concerning growing a mustache.
35. We can do Christmas shopping for 25 relatives, on December 24, in 45 minutes.
Jillian Michaels is a B!
I had this morning off from work. Covering the evening shift in this joint. So with my morning I decided I should work out since I hadn't on Wednesday. It was misty and rainy outside so that wasn't appealing and since I was at Justin's and he still hasn't gotten me the code to his gym I decided to use the fabuloud On Demand feature on his new cable DVR thingy. There is a whole on demand channel that is devoted to exercise and I selected the one by Jillian Michaels. Now if you don't know Jillian is one of the trainers on the Biggest Loser. Tuesday TV sucks so I have watched the past 3 episodes of Biggest Loser. Talk about motivation to lose weight. Damn. But yea she is a bull dog she is evil on the show and shows no mercy. Well she is slightly nicer in her work out but she still shows no mercy. My thighs are still burning. I highly reccomend her. She is evil!
I bought paint today! My littlest brother and his best friend had lunch with me today. Let me begin with we went to Chuy's a restaurant I have been very excited about. The opened one in Plano this summer. The reason I was excited . . . Stuffed Avacados. I've tried to get in to eat there before and it was just soooo packed. So ok today was the day. Except they were OUT OF AVACADOS. That is some BS let me tell you. My brother was like we can go somewhere else. But I decided to not be high maintenance today, he lets me get away with that . . . he is the only one in my life who will but today I chose to go with it. Flautas are definitely not as good!
Back to paint. So upon my brother's advice and he truly could be Martha Stewart, he is straight I swear. Anyways he said for us to go to Home Depot and check out the oops paint. Goood idea, found the color I wanted and for $15 I got 5 gallons. So I can paint the walls and the little office area in the room. I will see how much I can get done before I have to be at work tomorrow. Challenging myself to finish this by Sunday night so I can move my bed and whatever else I need in there. I miss my stuff!
I bought paint today! My littlest brother and his best friend had lunch with me today. Let me begin with we went to Chuy's a restaurant I have been very excited about. The opened one in Plano this summer. The reason I was excited . . . Stuffed Avacados. I've tried to get in to eat there before and it was just soooo packed. So ok today was the day. Except they were OUT OF AVACADOS. That is some BS let me tell you. My brother was like we can go somewhere else. But I decided to not be high maintenance today, he lets me get away with that . . . he is the only one in my life who will but today I chose to go with it. Flautas are definitely not as good!
Back to paint. So upon my brother's advice and he truly could be Martha Stewart, he is straight I swear. Anyways he said for us to go to Home Depot and check out the oops paint. Goood idea, found the color I wanted and for $15 I got 5 gallons. So I can paint the walls and the little office area in the room. I will see how much I can get done before I have to be at work tomorrow. Challenging myself to finish this by Sunday night so I can move my bed and whatever else I need in there. I miss my stuff!
Wednesday, October 7, 2009
Oh my achy abs
For heavens sake! 100 sit ups and 2 days later I am still in agony. And I have to do more today. Notice I use the word HAVE to. Gave the treadmill some more love yesterday. Made me happy. Its just so much less painfull than running on the dang track or outside. I guess I may have to re-think my 5k, though I really don't want to. I am just gonna keep pressing on and see what the results are. I haven't lost my motivation at least. Diet is still going strong as well, little hindrances here and there but nothing major. They got a new scale at the gym and it confirms I have lost weight. For real! Woo hoo. That scale is my friend again.
The creative juices are flowing again, its just hard to make the time to sit and write. I feel guilt when I am at home too, when I am at my parents I feel like I should be doing something. Helping clean or feed an animal. When I am Justin's I feel like I should be spending time with him not on my lap top. Man I miss my own place. Doesn't look like I will have it anytime soon again though. But I am about to do a major room make over on my brother's old room. Its gonna take time though before I have that sanctuary. That kid was such a messy individual. It was not fun to clean out his room. Mom helped. Anyways we haven't tackled the closet either . . . that should be fun. I wish I had a weekend to just garage sale hunt.
Looking for a full size box spring. Then I will be after a plain white poofy bedspread. I look forward to it. Its gonna be so light and airy and beachy and my mother can have whoever she wants live in there after me and it won't be too boy-ish or too girlish, just clean! Any home improvement ideas would be great!
The creative juices are flowing again, its just hard to make the time to sit and write. I feel guilt when I am at home too, when I am at my parents I feel like I should be doing something. Helping clean or feed an animal. When I am Justin's I feel like I should be spending time with him not on my lap top. Man I miss my own place. Doesn't look like I will have it anytime soon again though. But I am about to do a major room make over on my brother's old room. Its gonna take time though before I have that sanctuary. That kid was such a messy individual. It was not fun to clean out his room. Mom helped. Anyways we haven't tackled the closet either . . . that should be fun. I wish I had a weekend to just garage sale hunt.
Looking for a full size box spring. Then I will be after a plain white poofy bedspread. I look forward to it. Its gonna be so light and airy and beachy and my mother can have whoever she wants live in there after me and it won't be too boy-ish or too girlish, just clean! Any home improvement ideas would be great!
Tuesday, October 6, 2009
Treadmill Love!
Yesterday I decided to run on the treadmill instead of the track. It was pretty dang enjoyable I must say. I was able to keep up with how long I was running, calories burned and mileage ran. This isn't going to do me any good with running in the 5k I don't think. But my foot didn't hurt, my knees didn't hurt, I didn't think about the fact that I was running as much because I had the television in front of me. I keep thinking that maybe if I can just get my endurance up a bit and lose some weight, running on the track will be easier. I don't know. I am going to run on the treadmill again today, I can't help but want to. Perhaps if I alternate the two. I also decided to run everyday the best I can becausefor the whole weight loss factor you are supposed to do 45-1hr of cardio most days of the week for weight loss. I have lost weight, its just now I have a goal of ten pounds by the 27th. Thats when I leave for Seattle. I would love for Lauren to see me and say I look like I've lost weight, seeing as how she hasn't seen me since August.
She said I will gain it all back when I am there. I told her she is just going to have to keep the rain at bay so I can run in Seattle or Redmond, which ever one. She is living in Redmond now, she got her own place so I don't have to get a hotel while I am there which is super awesome. All I can think about is Seattle. I will be so sad when I don't have that to look forward to. My last bit of fun before ALL money goes to bills and student loans.
P.S. I have eaten pretty dang good for about 2 weeks and all I want is bad stuff right now. All bad. I will have to give in at some point the important question is with what shall I cheat with?
She said I will gain it all back when I am there. I told her she is just going to have to keep the rain at bay so I can run in Seattle or Redmond, which ever one. She is living in Redmond now, she got her own place so I don't have to get a hotel while I am there which is super awesome. All I can think about is Seattle. I will be so sad when I don't have that to look forward to. My last bit of fun before ALL money goes to bills and student loans.
P.S. I have eaten pretty dang good for about 2 weeks and all I want is bad stuff right now. All bad. I will have to give in at some point the important question is with what shall I cheat with?
Friday, October 2, 2009
Constitutions of plus size

I stumbled upon an article today about some plus-sized models and with it there was a photo of a group of them in the buff posing. Now being a bigger girl most of my life and by big, I don't mean heafty. Obviously we all know I could stand to lose like 20 or 30 back off! I have curves okay and for the most part I've always been pretty happy about them. This last year not so much as this last yr has been dentrimental in many ways to my psyche. Anywho this is just cool to me. The fact that this is a picture in a magazine, I have been a fan of Dove commercials since they started airing and this picture is such a statement. Every woman has imperfections and its our imperfections that make us unique. I am happy that the cookie cutter mold model isn't the norm anymore. I would be rather interested in polling some men and seeing what they thought of this picture. These women and beautiful, they eat, they exercise but they aren't stick thin. They have made careers out of being proud of their curves and making society pay attention. Kudos ladies. Kudos.
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